Monday, January 12, 2015

Coriander: Taming the Tummy

Nothing like the fresh aroma of the strong-scented leaves of the coriander plant; cilantro.Those leaves are not spices, however, the sweet nutty seeds of the coriander plant is known as a spice coriander.
In the kitchen coriander is a versatile spice that can be use in variety of dishes to give not only flavor but texture to meals. By itself coriander do not have a strong taste, however combined can be of a great companion. I personally love it with cumin and fennel.
Medicinal uses:

Coriander is 85% volatile oils, contaning at least 26 of this energetic compounds. Two of those oils- linalool and geranyl acetate are powerful, cell protecting antioxidants, and are probably behind many of coriander's curative powers.

Coriander is a classical remedy for digestion or any tummy problems, they are studies in different universities in America that confirm that coriander can be of great aid in: soothing irritable bowel syndrome, easing chronic constipation, stooping intestinal spasms. It is not surprise that German commission, declared that coriander is safe and effective for the treatment of digestive complains, loss of appetite, bloating, flatulence and cramp-like stomach upsets.

 This tiny seeds are not only concern about alleviating your indigestion, they are also other uses that you may had not heard. Coriander powder can reduce the redness in inflammatory skin diseases like ezcema, psoriasis and rosacea. In the lab of Psytotherapy research, they test an extract of the spice on lab animals with 2 diabetes. The research team found a decrease blood sugar and increased insulin. They also register impact of coriander in pain in the joints.

Had being documented that coriander is also useful in cholesterol problems, insomnia, colon cancer, diarrhea, vaginal yeast infection, ulcer, lead poisoning, liver disease, yeast infection, constipation and bloating.

Cooking with coriander:
Coriander pair up very well with most spices, they are however some partnership that can enhance any dish. Combining coriander with: all spices, cumin, cardamon, coconut, turmeric, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic,ginger, fennel seeds, and clove.

How to buy coriander:
Coriander seed can grow in any garden, however the one available in the market they come from two main sources: India and European. European is more flavorful because of a high concentration of volatile oils. Indian coriander ,however had a lemony scent not found in the their European brothers.
We can see in American markets imported coriander from Morocco and Romania, they are a bit larger that the European seeds.
I suggest to buy whole seeds as the oils dissipate fairly quickly once ground. therefore, buy in small amounts and grid them as you use them in your daily cooking.
I like to " abuse" my dishes with coriander. I usually can put in a dish for 4 people up to 4 full tsp of coriander. I also like to combine fine powder with some just smash seeds. You get the texture as well as the flavor.

If you got to heavy in any spices in a dish, add the same amount of coriander, which should correct the flavor. For more intense aroma always roast coriander seeds in an iron pan before they are ground, or with a bit of ghee or coconut oil, they are then easy to ground in the mortar.
Be brave and use coriander in your sweet dishes, a touch of it can give a dimension to sweet chutneys, apple pies and even ice creams. For long cooking dishes, casseroles or stew are just divine complements.

Coriander detox tea:
I love this tea in early spring when the body want to feel light and the tummy is ready for some purification.

1/4 tsp cumin seeds
1/4 tsp fennel seeds
1/4 tsp Coriander seeds
1 1/2 cup of water
boil the ingredients for 5 minutes.
Let the tea cool down, strain and enjoy.
Make a big jar to drink during purification times.

Cumin, Coriander and Fennel Tea is one of Ayurveda's most famous formulas for detoxification and burning up excess water weight.It is a soothing formula that reduces agitation and inflammation. It restores a calm clarity and spaciousness to a tense mind.

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