Friday, December 2, 2011

4 Considerations before you blend spices

Spice blending is an art and a science, and you can learn both. For centuries different cultures have combined spices from their homeland to give character to balance with nature, as well as to give character to their traditional cooking.
We are fortunate that now we can purchase spices from all over the world and enjoy the flavors of different cultures.
Spices are difficult to get organic, however the selection of your spices should be based on the freshness, potency and times of collection of the herbs and spices.
To combine your spices consider 4 things
* Your dosha
* Your healing intentions (physically or emotionally),
(detox or rebuild)
* The different textures and flavors in your blend
* The potential use of the blends (for salty or sweet dishes)
Combining spices requests creativity and sensibility from you. Once you are familiar with the taste and percentages of your recipes, the process of spice blending is easy and enjoyable.
In general, spice combinations are very forgiving if we make any mistakes. The mistake I make most often is to forget to measure the quantities, so if I find a combination that I really like, it becomes impossible to reproduce.
What do you need to combine your spices:
* One large iron pan (Cooking with this material releases natural iron from the pan. Never use aluminum cooking wares.)
* One wooden spoon
* Fresh spices (divide the spices in categories if you are blending a few combinations.)
* Airtight glass containers to store the spices in. Avoid plastic containers.
* A fresh, dark place free of humidity to store large blend spices quantities.
* A stone mortar (to grind whole spices.)

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